Brexit reflections six months on
You might remember at the end of 2020 we asked Gold Partners, Grant Thornton to give us their thoughts on what the impact of Brexit might be on tech companies. Six months on, with Brexit, finally done and dusted, here are their thoughts on how things have progressed.
HealthTec Cluster 2nd Anniversary Conference: The Power of Collaboration
A recent anniversary conference hosted by Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) connected a wide variety of stakeholders from businesses, academics, clinicians and entrepreneurs working in the health and life sciences industry.
How to do business in a virtual world
2020 was the year of doing things virtually. For everybody. Face-to-face meetings and events were cancelled, and we spent more time than ever talking to each other over laptops and phone screens. The way business works has fundamentally changed and organisations are having to rethink what they need to do and how they’ll do it.