In 2010 a joint-venture (JV) company was formed with exciting plans for further expansion of the site. Partners in the JV company are developers Langtree, the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), part of UK Research and Innovation, and Halton Borough Council. Since then, the JV has delivered on its plans for growth, increased collaboration, new buildings, establishment of clusters and world-class science facilities – a life-long home for successful businesses, universities and technology institutions.
Science and Technology Facilities Council
The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) is a world-leading multi-disciplinary science organisation with the goal of providing economic, societal, scientific, and international benefits to the UK and the World.
STFC provides world class scientific facilities at two campuses based around Daresbury Laboratory, part of Sci-Tech Daresbury and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at Harwell in Oxfordshire.
Part of UK Research and Innovation, STFC is funded by the government to support distinct but interrelated functions:
- Support for universities
- Scientific, large-scale facilities
- National campuses: to promote academic and industrial collaboration and translation of research to market through direct interaction with industry
- Inspiring and Involving: encouraging wider take-up of STEM subjects in school and future life (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)
It maximises the impact of its research and technology by providing industry and academia with access to a broad range of scientific capabilities, technical expertise and business support services.

Langtree is a successful commercial property company, active in property management, development, investment, and public/private property partnerships across the UK. Our in-house property and marketing management team are focused on growing the value of the properties through proactive asset management.
We have a first-class reputation in regeneration and joint venture and partnership working, with our team, having led some of the most significant regeneration projects in the UK, including the mixed-use regeneration scheme that led to the delivery of the state-of-the-art new stadium for St Helens Rugby Football Club.
Our credentials are equally strong in property development with our team’s experience, including schemes such as 40 Springardens in Manchester city centre. We currently have, either directly or through our partnerships, a significant development pipeline with 180,000 sq ft planned for the next phase of development at Sci-Tech Daresbury, Violet Phase 2.
Langtree owns and manages a substantial property portfolio of 140 sites, comprising over 600 units across the North West, Midlands and Yorkshire totalling 3 million sq ft with portfolio wide occupancy of more than 92%. We manage property for clients such as the John Lewis Partnership Pension Fund, Warrington Borough Council, Halton Borough Council, and the government’s Science & Technology Facilities Council.
Langtree currently operates nationally out of its head office in Warrington, with its property staff of 52.

Halton Borough Council
Halton Borough Council’s vision is that Halton will be a thriving and vibrant borough where people can enjoy a good quality of life, benefit from a high-quality environment and have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. A key objective is to develop greater wealth and equality, sustained by a thriving business community. In rebalancing the economy, the promotion and development of science, technology and advanced manufacturing and the exploitation and application of new technologies are key drivers.
Halton has an existing, internationally recognised, critical mass within the science and technology sector and the capacity, in terms of land, buildings and people, to build upon that to create a location for science and technology of global significance – Sci-Tech Daresbury is key to that vision.
The campus has the global profile, existing facilities, expertise, and ambition to place it firmly at the forefront of the borough council’s drive to promote the sector and thereby generate investment and create meaningful jobs, which will make a positive contribution to the prosperity of the community of Halton as a whole.
Council Leader, Cllr Mike Wharton, said: “Halton has a strong record in delivering major regeneration and development programmes and we are proud that Sci-Tech Daresbury is at the centre of our ambitions and successes as we re-imagine Halton.”

Joint venture partners