Attracting new talent and working to strengthen and diversify the science and technology sectors is a core value of Sci-Tech Daresbury. Science and innovation happens when teams of people from all genders, ethnicities, and social backgrounds, work together to understand the unknown and solve global challenges. The country needs talented people to keep us at the forefront of innovation globally.
The campus is a community of some 2,000 people. Our Talent and Skills Strategy aims to address the supply of talent, and skills training, providing a simple ‘one front door’ through Sci-Tech Daresbury RADAR for businesses to meet their growth objectives. This flexible, responsive, and fully integrated talent and skills programme comprises of three core pillars:
Inspire, attract, and employ the best talent
Develop key skills to enable growth
Retain talent and skills
STEM ambassadors
Everyone on campus, staff and companies alike, are actively encouraged to become STEM ambassadors in local schools and colleges. This is to help both students and teachers better understand the diversity of routes and training into STEM careers – from work experience, apprenticeships, and vocational experience, alongside graduate or postgraduate qualifications and research.
Together we help our local community and our companies on campus attract, develop and retain the talent they need to meet their growth aspirations.
If you are from a school and college and want more information on the STEM Ambassador programme, please contact public.engagement.dl@stfc.ac.uk

STFC Apprenticeships and Works Experience Programmes
STFC aims to demystify the work that scientists do in its national laboratories, and actively encourages more young people, including those from under-represented backgrounds, to take up STEM studies by giving them insider access to science and technology related environments from a young age, with specialist programmes aimed at children, aged from eight to fourteen in particular. We love to share the curiosity, excitement, and ambition that drives us to discover and understand new things, and develop technologies that improve our lives.
Our renowned work experience programme allows students from the local area to gain hands on industry experience within the different science and technology businesses located at Sci-Tech Daresbury. Work experience offers students the opportunity to gain the skills and contacts necessary to excel in their future careers, and businesses an opportunity to access talent.
For more information on the STFC work experience programme please contact dlworkexp@stfc.ac.uk
For more infoRmation on the STFC apprenticeship programme please contact stfcapprentice@ukri.org