April 19, 2021
Quantum science expands into new lab space at Sci-Tech Daresbury
Quantum Science, a leading material science company, has opened a new office and laboratory at Techspace One at Sci-Tech Daresbury, as part of a growing cluster of materials companies on the campus.

First established in 2018, Quantum Science uses nanotechnology to develop advanced materials for use in the semiconductor, environmental and biomedical sectors. The company had previously been based at the site’s Campus Technology Hub building. Now, due to its growth over the past two and a half years, it has chosen the campus’ larger Techspace One office and laboratory building as its new headquarters.
Techspace One is a three-storey multi-let building which provides a combination of around 33,000 sq ft of wet and instrumentation laboratories, Grade A office accommodation, meeting hubs and break-out areas for science and technology companies developing or upscaling their business. Quantum Science will move into 1,300 square feet of new space which will serve the growing demand from customers for its various products, as well as accommodate the growth in staff members. The firm is looking to hire two more employees to make a team of twenty over the next six to eight months.
One of the company’s three areas of innovation is quantum dot technology, called INFIQ® QDs, for use in image sensors to increase accuracy and sensing of silicon sensors into the infrared range. This technology will open new applications for CMOS sensors in consumer electronics, self-driving vehicles, security and surveillance, and smart manufacturing.
Another area is the research and development of water filtration membranes using novel polymers to improve anti-fouling properties and performance. Such technology could lead to significant cost and energy savings in applications such as wastewater treatment or desalination.
Investment will also be made into the company’s biosensor product and developing the materials used for improving accuracy and sensitivity in cancer diagnosis. Thanks to Quantum Science’s innovative technologies, highly accurate and sensitive tests could be carried out at home, dramatically reducing the wait time for patients and the burden on NHS care.
Quantum Science has formed many important partnerships through its location at Sci-Tech Daresbury thanks to the site’s diverse tenants and strategic partners, including a high-profile collaboration with Hitachi High-Tech Europe to develop a microscopy solution. Its status on the campus also means they have had access to Sci-Tech Daresbury’s ‘Gold Partners’ programme - a cohort of handpicked organisations that offer first-class support for Sci-Tech Daresbury businesses in a range of specialist areas.
Similarly, the company has also made use of the impressive research facilities available in the North-West, by working in collaboration with University of Liverpool, Lancaster University and University of Manchester.
Quantum Science has also recently partnered with the University of Glasgow to fully fund a PhD student with Professor Peter Skabara at the School of Chemistry. Professor Skabara holds The Ramsay Chair of Chemistry and is a world leading researcher in organic semiconductor materials and devices.
Dr. Hao Pang, founder and CEO of Quantum Sciences Ltd, said: “It’s a particularly exciting time for science and innovation companies as demand increases for new and exciting services across many different sectors. That’s why we are really pleased to be able to move into the new Techspace One building at Sci-Tech Daresbury and make use of its incredible community and research space to support our future growth and product development plans.
“The Sci-Tech Daresbury site has a large number of resources available to its tenants, not-least its incredible location at the heart of the North-West’s research and innovation districts, with a number of universities and high-profile business partners nearby. The campus has provided exemplary support to us and we look forward to seeing where this move will take us next.”
28 new tenants joined the Sci-Tech Daresbury campus in 2020. Owing to this high demand the site recently unveiled for Project Ultraviolet, which would expand its high quality office and laboratory space. This would be located next to Project Violet, a £17.8m three-building office development currently under construction and due for completion at the end of this year
John Downes, chief executive officer of Langtree and chairman of Sci-Tech Daresbury, said: “We are delighted by Quantum Science’s relocation to Techspace One. The company’s expansion within the campus embodies our ‘home for life’ ethos, and reflects our determination to help innovative businesses throughout the North-West to thrive by providing key collaboration and product development opportunities.
“In the last few years we have seen great success in attracting and supporting the growth of materials companies on the Sci-Tech Daresbury campus, through the opportunity to scale lab facilities on the site as well as accessibility to key equipment and expertise. Quantum Science is a world-leader in nano-materials and therefore fit perfectly with this emerging cluster of materials companies and capabilities at Sci-Tech Daresbury .”