Case study
C-Major Medical
After seven years of regular visits to Sci-Tech Daresbury events, the medtech company C-Major Medical finally took the plunge and became a tenant in January 2018.
And it was the simplicity of becoming a part of this dynamic cohort of companies and organisations that most impressed them.

7 years of visits to Sci-Tech Daresbury
“Within 48 hours we were up and running”, said Aubrey Dunford, C-Major Medical’s managing director. “It was a simple and rapid process for us. Prior to moving in at The Innovation Centre we had been visiting Sci-Tech Daresbury for around six or seven years and during that time we made a lot of useful contacts, many of which we continue to work with today.”
C-Major Medical is now going from strength to strength and is an example of a North West company leading the way in developing the next generation of novel technology for the medtech sector.
Since its relocation C-Major Medical has secured patents for its innovative syringe technology in Europe, USA, Japan, Australia and Taiwan and has cited its new home having had a massive impact on its growth. The company has also recently been awarded a £485,000 Biomedical Catalyst Award and is now seeking match funding.
leading technology
The company’s leading technology, Controlled Helical Retraction Device (CHoRD), targets the multi-billion dollar retracting syringe market and aims to assist in the prevention of needle stick injuries (NSIs) and infectious contamination.
Despite there being legislation in the USA, European Countries and many other countries around the world, NSIs remain a global problem despite legislation in the USA, Europe and many other countries. In the USA, for example, recent data indicates that there are 400 million aspirations of blood per annum in the USA and there are more than 70,000 NSIs from these procedures. More than 1,000 people are infected with a dangerous condition each year.
C-Major Medical’s is developing products based on our innovative and unique patented approach to the safe retraction of needles.
In its first 12 months, C-Major Medical has received around £200,000 of funding to develop its novel syringe solution. This has included £100,000 Investment Accelerator Grant Award from Innovate UK and a further two investments from UK12S, know previously as the Rainbow Seed Fund.
Steve Dobson, C-Major Medical’s commercial director, said: “We’ve enjoyed many highlights since moving to the campus, including being awarded the Investment Accelerator Grant Award and a convertible loan from UK12S. These were significant milestones for us because for the first time ever we had a seed fund investor who has a vested interest in us raising more funds and crucially, with the contacts to assist us.”