November 8, 2017
Business Breakfast Networking Events at Sci-Tech Daresbury
As well as being host to world-class facilities and technology, Sci-Tech Daresbury is home to a wide range of scientists, researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs from both the public sector research community and from private industry. The campus’s Business Breakfast Networking (BBN) events offer an invaluable opportunity for these individuals to meet.

As well as being host to world-class facilities and technology, Sci-Tech Daresbury is home to a wide range of scientists, researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs from both the public sector research community and from private industry. The campus’s Business Breakfast Networking (BBN) events offer an invaluable opportunity for these individuals to meet. With membership numbering around five thousand, the event connects some of the region’s most innovative entrepreneurs, academics and businesses into a single community.
Sharing expertise and inspiring collaboration
The BBN event offers a venue for individuals to share expertise, resources and technical know-how, as well as to identify where there may be opportunities for collaboration with other individuals and organisations.
It is easy for professionals to become siloed in their own area – however innovation often comes about when disciplines meet and cross-fertilise ideas. Indeed, many dramatic advances have been driven by individuals borrowing technologies and techniques from other domains in order to disrupt the status quo. That said, networking can also allow individuals tackling similar challenges to meet and to pool their experience for their mutual benefit.
Ahead of each BBN event a delegate list is available to download, meaning that attendees can identify individuals in advance who it would be particularly useful to connect with. You can also contact attendees ahead of the event through the NetworkHub portal, in order to pro-actively arrange meetings at the event.
Convenience and impact
Based in the heart of the Sci-Tech Daresbury campus, in The Innovation Centre, the BBN event aims to maximise convenience and impact. Whereas evening events can stretch on, and details get lost amidst drinks, the breakfast BBN event has a clear start and finish, and can act as an invigorating start to the working day, providing new ideas and connections.
High-intensity networking
The BBN event takes place monthly on a Friday, and sees around 100-150 members in attendance. The organisers have opted to avoid long presentations or speeches in preference of focusing on informal but high-intensity networking, to ensure that attendees get the maximum benefit possible.
The event runs for 90 minutes, but many attendees stay for longer to continue discussions – and, as the event is so popular, booking places in advance is essential.
Access to funding and professional services
The campus’s Business Support Manager, Dr Paul Treloar, also actively works to link companies to angel, institutional, seed and VC funding, and can make recommendations for marketing, legal and financial services when members need them. What’s more, the BBN event provides a perfect opportunity for attendees to make initial introductions, whatever they need.
The next BBN event will be on Friday 17th November 2017, running from 8:00 am to 9:30 am at The Innovation Centre at Sci-Tech Daresbury. Booking ahead is essential – and becoming a member of Sci-Tech Daresbury’s NetworkHub will ensure that you are notified of upcoming events in advance.
Sci-Tech Daresbury is internationally known for its research work and is home to scientists and engineers from across private industry and the university research community. Areas of study include accelerator science, bio-medicine, physics, chemistry, materials, engineering and computational science, while facilities range from a particle accelerator to a VR/AR lab. Sci-Tech Daresbury also offers high-quality conference and event facilities, ranging from fully equipped meeting rooms to lecture theatres suitable for 150 plus delegates.